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Implementing a Successful Open Banking Architecture

Implementing a successful open banking architecture is critical for a bank to fully leverage the benefits of open banking. Everyone from your compliance officer to your open banking project manager to your CTO needs to have complete confidence in the open banking platform you choose. Your open banking architecture plays a large role in determining how effectively you open up your APIs, provide a seamless third-party experience and ultimately offer a better customer journey than that of your competitors.


Streaming Data Integration: The Evolution of ETL


The availability of accurate information on time is a crucial factor for a business to thrive. Organizations generate massive amounts of data about various activities and business operations they perform. However, data in raw format does not provide much value and it has to be processed using correct techniques to convert it into valuable information that’s beneficial to the business.


Building a CI/CD Pipeline for APIs


APIs play a key role in digitally-driven organizations. They enable connecting applications and services and drive enterprises towards digital transformation. A typical organization may have a large number of APIs that are used internally and externally. When API numbers become large, it is vital to manage them in an elegant way.


Privacy By Design as a System Design Strategy: Part 2


In the first part of this article series, we discussed opportunities and challenges that are common for any enterprise when dealing with privacy. We also discussed applying Privacy by Design (PbD) principle as a best practice instead of considering support for each privacy regulation as an orthogonal effort. In this article, we further discuss some other important practical aspects related to PbD principles.


WSO2 API Microgateway: A Developer-Oriented Gateway for Microservices

WSO2 API Microgateway is a cloud-native, decentralized, highly scalable, immutable API gateway designed for microservice architecture (MSA). It provides security, authorization, routing, service discovery, and many more API management-related functionality while collecting information for rate limiting and analytics as well.


Deploying WSO2 API Manager in Production-Grade Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a leading open source container orchestration solution for managing containerized applications across multiple hosts. It allows users to easily deploy, maintain, and scale applications in containers. WSO2 API Manager is a fully open source solution for managing all aspects of the API lifecycle and is designed for massively scalable deployments.

In this article we will explore


Data-Driven Microservices


Data is a precious asset, and the ability to collect, manage, and use it gives a competitive advantage to any digital business. Within microservices architecture, there are multiple practices and patterns to deal with data. This article discusses the patterns, limitations, and pitfalls around data integration in microservices and then moves on to a sample implementation.


Integrating Office 365 with WSO2 Identity Server

This article discusses the challenges of deploying Microsoft’s Office's cloud solution into existing enterprise infrastructure and how to overcome these hurdles by using WSO2 Identity Server.


Open Banking: Creating a System of Inclusion, Openness, and Trust for Mexico

Open banking is reaching global adoption. Regions like Singapore and Japan were strong advocates for open banking even before the Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) regulation and they experienced tremendous success in doing so. Post PSD2, other countries like Mexico, Brazil, Hong Kong, Australia, and countries in the Middle East are coming up with open banking regulations. They are opening up their APIs in an effort to create a more open, competitive and customer-driven financial ecosystem.


Strong Customer Authentication and Dynamic Linking for PSD2

The Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) policy aims to open payment ecosystems to simplify online payments and reduce fraud by mandating strong customer authentication (SCA) for third-party providers (TPPs). SCA enforces the use of two-factor authentication (2FA), which requires users to verify their identities in two unique ways before giving access.

