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Cost-effective Open Banking Compliance for Australia

The content of this post was updated on February 28, 2020 to reflect the current regulatory position.


Federating Azure Active Directory using Azure Federation with WSO2 Identity Server

This article will explore how Office 365 integration with WSO2 Identity Server enables organizations with existing on-premise user stores to securely and conveniently extend user identities to Office 365 without the burden of Microsoft provided federation tools.


Enhancing Security Using Threat Protection and Mutual SSL in WSO2 API Manager Gateway

In this article, we focused on enhancing the security of the API management deployment using WSO2 API Manager's gateway using threat protection and mutual SSL.

A Quick Guide To User-Managed Access 2.0

User Managed Access (UMA) components
How UMA makes requests to Resource Registration Endpoint
UMA Permission Endpoint
UMA Token Introspection Endpoint
UMA Grant
How UMA works in WSO2 Identity Server


User-Managed Access (UMA) 2.0 is a federated authorization standard protocol built on top of Open Authentication (OAuth) 2.0 which enables party-to-party sharing. The award winning protocol was introduced by the Kantara Initiative.


[WSO2Con EU 2018] Enhancing Business Agility: An End-to-end Solutions Architecture Use Case

This tutorial will explore a use case where an airline is trying to enhance its customer experience by making various airline information services available to customers and allowing them to manage their travel experience.

OAuth 2.0 Threat Landscape

Not long ago — on a day in May, I got a mail from a good friend of mine, which I opened without hesitation. He was sharing a Google doc — and once I clicked on the link to open it up, a suspicious-looking screen appeared, asking permissions from me to read, delete, send, and manage my emails. Why on the earth was ‘Google Docs’ asking my permissions to access my emails? Well, yes — the screen said it's ‘Google Docs’. I really didn’t bother to check if it’s real Google Docs — or fake, but I didn’t proceed any further after this.


[WSO2Con EU 2018] Decentralized Data Architecture

