WSO2Con2025 Logo

March 18-20 | Barcelona, Spaain


WSO2 Certified Identity Server
Developer - V6

WSO2 Certification

Target Audience

This certification is designed for application developers and architects who have a fundamental knowledge of IAM concepts and hands-on experience with WSO2 identity Server.


In addition to following the required courses on our Learning Management System, we recommend that the candidate has at least three months of practical experience working on the product.

A WSO2 Certified Identity Server Developer should be able to:

  • Deliver a pre-sales pitch and lead a discussion using generic product concepts and features.
  • Deliver standard pre-sales demos, POCs, and samples.
  • Understand a given business problem and evaluate the feasibility to use WSO2 products in the solution.
  • Build generic IAM use cases using WSO2 Identity Server.

Exam Content

This exam is based on the WSO2 Identity Server 6.1.0 version.

Knowledge on standards and technologies related to the product, features of the product, extensions and customizations, and deployment and configuration management will be tested.

Candidates should have a working knowledge of the following areas:


Approximate % of Questions

Managing Users and Credentials


Implementing Access Delegation for Web and Mobile Applications


Setting up Single Sign-On for Web and Mobile Applications


Setting up Outbound Federation with Third-Party and Social Identity Providers


Securing Access to Web and Mobile Applications with Strong and Adaptive Authentication


Provisioning Users to External Systems with SCIM 2.0


Implement Fine-grained Access Control Policies with XACML


Introduction to Multi-Tenancy


Examination Format

Examination Format

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