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Local Account Linking


In the article Identity Management Solution Patterns, we took a look at some of the reasons why organizations may need to continue to manage some parts of a digital identity under specific applications or services (relying parties or RPs), even if they are utilizing a centralized identity management system. In such cases, an important requirement is to establish the link between these related digital identities.


Consent Management for Open Banking

This article covers the basic concepts around consent management, tips for successful implementation, and how banks should prepare for it.


The CCPA and IAM: A Deep Dive

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which will come into effect on 1 January 2020, grants consumers new rights regarding the use and collection of their personal information. Since it is a must to comply, now is the right time to move into a CCPA-compliant solution. Gaining knowledge about the new law and how to use identity and access management (IAM), to be compliant with CCPA, will provide an advantage to select the right solution for your business.


How WSO2 Identity Server Helps with CCPA Compliance

In this article, we will discuss how WSO2 Identity Server helps your organization with CCPA compliance.

