Stop Building Platforms.
Just Add Developers Instead.

Choreo is an internal developer platform as a service that enables you to easily build, deploy, and run your cloud native apps, so you can focus on creating unique digital experiences for your users.

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Deliver Impact, Not Excuses

Deliver Fast

Ship Fast

5 minutes

From code to production

Reduce Costs

Reduce Costs


Reduce platform engineering costs

Focus & De-risk

Focus & De-risk


Focus on your code, not everything around it

Make Your Company
a Software Engineering Powerhouse

Enterprise software engineering is hard. Projects become products. Code is written once and modified 100s of times. Projects need isolation. Developers must share. Security is paramount. Everything is late. Everyone is accountable.

Choreo gives wings to your enterprise software teams so they can focus on what matters: creating digital competitive advantages for the business.

You write the code, we do everything else.

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Application Architecture

Domain-driven development, microservices architecture, version management

API Management

API governance, gateway, developer portal, lifecycle management, API marketplace, API security, API analytics

Platform Engineering

CI/CD, GitOps, release management, configs, secrets, cost optimization

Infrastructure Management

Containers & K8s, serverless, environments, firewall, load balancing, geo routing, DNS, multi-cloud


Zero trust, encryption, secret management, TLS, authentication and authorization

Insights and Observability

Logs, traces, metrics, alerts, analytics, DORA metrics, business insights

Why WSO2?

For nearly 20 years, we’ve helped our customers build platforms so they can accelerate digital transformation. Our customers deliver thousands of APIs and applications on these platforms.

We know building and maintaining platforms is a never-ending task that costs a lot of money and usually doesn’t offer the right experience for developers.

We built Choreo so you don’t have to.

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Here’s What Our Customers Say

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Here’s What Our Users Say

Our users are here to stay! Try it out for yourself and give us feedback on our

Quote sign6Choreo lets me create, deploy and observe APIs effortlessly. It makes integration between the SaaS applications much easier and faster with the various connectors available. Overall Choreo next gen iPaaS platform helps enterprises to accelerate their digital transformation implementations.

Balaji Ravindran Senior Engineer, Nagarro

Quote sign7I really would like to use it for my next project because the platform allows me to code without thinking about the infrastructure.

Oscar Vesga Head of Integration, Ilumno

Quote sign8Choreo allows you to develop APIs with a great user experience that's focused on the developer like never before. You are fully productive from start to finish. Choreo has knocked down the time-to-market!

Fidel Prieto Estrada Integration Consultant & Project Manager, Inetum

Quote sign8An amazing experience to develop a cloud native application.

Krishna Pennacchioni Product Deployment and Operations Manager, Compre Alugue Agora

Quote sign9Choreo connects IIIT research institutes across India via one API gateway so that nonprofits can access APIs to applications and services from a central location. IIIT also uses analytics features to monitor API usage and automates API documentation via Choreo.

Khoushik Ananth Lead Engineer, IIIT Hyderabad

Security and Compliance

At WSO2, we give you peace of mind that our cloud deployments adhere to industry standards and best practices for data protection and a secure app development experience.

See how WSO2 handles Security and Compliance.

SOC 2 Type 2

SOC 2® Type 2

Regulatory compliance


Data protection

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What is Platformless?

Platformless allows enterprise developers to streamline their development process and focus on building apps that deliver value to users. This doesn’t mean platforms won’t exist. It just means that the complexities of a platform are now hidden from the application developers.

Learn More Read Manifesto

Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Build
Your Own Platform

  1. Slows product launch
  2. Requires significant effort to implement best practices
  3. Involves complex technology and specialized skills
  4. Demands a committed team
  5. High costs and risks
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