Choreo Changelog


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  • 28 Mar, 2024

Connecting Public Repositories Without Authorization

Choreo now allows you to connect to any public repository without authorizing GitHub. This gives developers the freedom to quickly create and deploy components within Choreo.

  • 14 Mar, 2024

New Authorization Model

We're done a significant enhancement to the Choreo authorization model. We've transitioned from a traditional Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) system to a more granular Resource-Based Access Control (ReBAC) model. This allows for finer control over access, enabling permissions to be managed at the individual resource level. Additionally, we've introduced the concept of user groups, simplifying the management of access rights for collections of users. This improvement ensures a more tailored and secure approach to managing your resources and user permissions within Choreo.

  • 13 Mar, 2024

Choreo CLI

The Choreo CLI enables developers to script and manage their workflows from their terminal. The initial release, focused on streamlining the management of projects and components, as well as facilitating builds and deployments, and providing easy access to logs.

Getting Started with the Choreo CLI, Introducing the Choreo CLI

  • 13 Mar, 2024

Choreo URL Customization

This feature provides the flexibility to personalize not just the domain but the entire URL for various component types. Custom domains can be applied across all defined environments within an organization, enabling developers to tailor and request specific domains for their components. This provides a more customized experience, ensuring your projects align perfectly with your branding and operational needs.

Configure a Custom Domain for APIs

  • 07 Mar, 2024

Scale to Zero

Choreo’s scale-to-zero feature allows you to minimize costs by scaling down application resource usage to almost zero when not in active use. This capability is a significant step forward towards apps being more resource-conscious and cost-effective. Scale-to-zero is primarily aimed at service types within Choreo. By default, services will now adopt scale-to-zero configurations.

Autoscale Components with Scale to Zero, Introducing Choreo’s Scale-to-Zero

  • 14 Dec, 2023

Choreo Managed Authentication

Choreo's Managed Authentication simplifies the setup for authentication and authorization in your deployed single-page applications. It interfaces with your OpenID Connect Identity Provider, easing user authentication and ensuring token security. Dedicated endpoints for each app streamline tasks such as login/logout, user info retrieval, session management, and secure API access, making robust app security simple and reliable.

Secure Web Applications with Managed Authentication

  • 14 Dec, 2023

Choreo Marketplace and Connections

Choreo Marketplace lists all the APIs and services within your organization, enabling developers to discover and explore them. Simplify your development experience by seamlessly creating reusable connections to APIs through Choreo Connections.

Choreo Marketplace, Introducing Choreo Marketplace and Connections

  • 08 Nov, 2023

Separate Build and Deploy Steps

We've upgraded our user interface to offer distinct "Build" and "Deploy" steps, providing you with greater control and flexibility during your deployment process. This update aligns with the 12-factor app methodology, emphasizing the separation of build, release, and run stages.

The new UI will be available for all components created after this release, excluding those based on Ballerina. We plan to gradually transition existing components to this updated interface. Ballerina-based components will also be migrated to the new UI, but they will not be part of the initial rollout.

  • 03 Nov, 2023

Choreo Architecture Diagram

The Choreo architecture diagram serves as a visual representation of a project within Choreo, adhering to the principles of Cell-based architecture. This diagram provides a comprehensive view of project components, both internal and external dependencies, and their interactions.

  • 02 Nov, 2023

Database as a Service

You can now create fully managed PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Redis databases on the fly using Choreo’s UI itself. This gives developers the freedom to quickly create the database they require for their applications.

Choreo Managed Databases

  • 02 Nov, 2023

Component Types Update

We’ve updated the Choreo component types to be more simplified and intuitive. The new list of component types is shown below:

New Component Type Old Component Type
Service Service, Integration as an API
API Proxy REST API Proxy
Scheduled Task Scheduled Trigger, Scheduled Integration
Manual Task Manual Trigger, Manually Triggered Integration
Event Handler Event-Triggered Integration
Test Runner New
  • 02 Nov, 2023

Component Creation with Buildpacks

The Choreo buildpacks feature makes it easier for you to build and deploy containerized applications using your preferred programming language without writing a Dockerfile. Choreo build presets support a wide range of programming languages, including Go, Java, Python, Ruby, Node.js, PHP, Ballerina, and Micro Integrator (Apache Synapse). Additionally, If you already have a Dockerfile, you can create the component using that, build the container image, and deploy it.

Deploy an Application with Buildpacks

  • 31 Oct, 2023

Execute View for Tasks

The new Execute View for both scheduled and manual tasks is designed to simplify the management of multiple, short-lived executions. Each task now aggregates its executions in a concise list, with logs grouped by executions for easier monitoring, enhanced user interaction, and efficient task management.

  • 30 Oct, 2023

Zero-Trust with Cilium eBPF

Your Choreo data plane now runs with Cilium. Using Cilium’s security features, you now get a runtime fabric with Zero-Trust for your components. Choreo enables transparent network encryption, cell-based network boundaries for projects, enhanced security for containers, and deep observability of network traces between components.

How We Implemented Zero Trust in Choreo

  • 06 Oct, 2023

External Identity Provider Support

You can now connect your existing identity provider to Choreo for authenticating and authorizing your services. We currently support Azure Active Directory and Asgardeo IDPs, with more to be added in the future.

Configure Asgardeo as an External IdP, Configure Azure AD as an External IdP

  • 21 Sep, 2023

Choreo API Chat

Choreo API Chat is Choreo's innovative approach to interacting with APIs, powered by GPT 3.5 LLM from Azure OpenAI. You can now communicate with your APIs using natural language while the AI agent interprets the OpenAPI specification and determines how best to invoke all API resources.

Test APIs with Choreo API Chat, Introducing Choreo API Chat

  • 15 Sep, 2023

Semantic Version Based Intelligent Routing

APIs are now grouped into major versions. This allows API consumers to always access the latest API version without the hassle of tracking specific minor/patch versions.

Introducing Semantic Version-Based Intelligent Routing

  • 15 Sep, 2023

Deployment Tracks

Deployment tracks act like advanced CI/CD pipelines, ensuring your components reach their destinations seamlessly, whether from source code or prebuilt images. This allows users to easily roll out backward-compatible API updates, benefiting both publishers and consumers.

Deployment Tracks

  • 15 Sep, 2023

Unified runtime logs

Easily access various runtime logs - application, gateway, load balancer, and more. Experience real-time and historical logs in one place, with powerful filtering options.

Choreo's Logging and Observability Advancements

  • 15 Sep, 2023

Semantic Version Based Intelligent Routing

APIs are now grouped into major versions. This allows API consumers to always access the latest API version without the hassle of tracking specific minor/patch versions.

Choreo's Logging and Observability Advancements

  • 15 Sep, 2023

Semantic Version Based Intelligent Routing

APIs are now grouped into major versions. This allows API consumers to always access the latest API version without the hassle of tracking specific minor/patch versions.

Introducing Semantic Version-Based Intelligent Routing

  • 08 Sep, 2023

Bring Your Own Image (BYOI)

You can now deploy container images directly in Choreo. Create components using existing container images from external container registries. You no longer need to plug in your Git repo. Bring your own CI pipelines to trigger deployments.

Bring Your Own Image

  • 04 Sep, 2023

WSO2 Micro Integrator Runtime Version Management

You can now use your preferred WSO2 Micro Integrator runtime version with your integration artifacts. Enjoy flexibility and migrate to a different MI runtime version on your own time.

Manage the MI Runtime Version

  • 02 Aug, 2023

EDIFACT Support for Choreo

We've released a Ballerina module to parse standard EDIFACT messages, making integration development with EDIFACT backends a breeze. You can now skip the hassle of finding schemas or generating code and simplify your workflows.

Using EDIFACT with Choreo

  • 06 Jul, 2023

Timezone Support for Scheduled Integrations

We've simplified scheduling with Choreo by adding timezone support. You no longer need to convert your schedule to UTC manually - simply choose your preferred timezone, and Choreo will ensure your integrations run accurately at the scheduled time.

Develop a Scheduled Integration

  • 19 Jun, 2023

Support for Defining Multiple Endpoints for WSO2 Micro Integrator Components

Choreo has enhanced WSO2's Micro Integrator build preset feature to offer multiple ways for defining endpoints in your integrations. You can now use the endpoints.yaml file for precise configuration, auto generate endpoints based on your component's API resources, or use the default endpoint as before.

Configure Endpoints with WSO2 Micro Integrator Build Preset

  • 16 Jun, 2023

Support for Webapps in Choreo

With Choreo, you can easily and quickly deploy your web applications, whether they are server-rendered apps or single-page apps. You can also manage the deployment process effortlessly, ensuring your web apps perform optimally and are highly available.

Develop a web application

  • 15 Jun, 2023

Support for Bitbucket

Choreo now enables users to connect their Bitbucket repositories, offering an additional option alongside GitHub for streamlined component creation.

Authorize Bitbucket with Choreo

  • 08 Jun, 2023

Integrate Choreo with Moesif for Enhanced API Analytics and Monetization

We have integrated with Moesif to provide enhanced analytics capabilities through Choreo. With this integration, you can easily publish your data to Moesif, leveraging various charts and dashboards to derive valuable insights. Having your data in Moesif gives you access to their competitive features, including powerful monetization options, further enriching your analytics experience and enabling you to make data-driven decisions for business success.

Integrate Choreo with Moesif

  • 31 May, 2023

View Access logs for Proxy Components

Unlock a new level of insights and control with Choreo. Experience seamless visibility into your proxy components like never before. You can now view access logs for proxy components on the Choreo Observability page. Dive deep into your system's performance, track requests, and unleash the true potential of your APIs.

  • 29 May, 2023

Sign in with Email

In addition to social login, you can now log into Choreo using a corporate email address and a password. This functionality addresses the limitation where enterprise customers needed help to provision a Choreo organization with their email, which has its own domain.

  • 22 May, 2023

Integration of WSO2 Micro Integrator Secure Vault with Choreo for Enhanced Secret Management

The latest update integrates WSO2 Micro Integrator’s secure vault with Choreo, enhancing secure data management capabilities. This functionality enables users to securely store and access sensitive data, such as passwords and tokens, all managed seamlessly within Choreo's secret management system. By combining WSO2 Micro Integrator’s secure vault and Choreo's secret management, users benefit from an added layer of data protection for credentials and other sensitive data, significantly improving data security within WSO2 Micro Integrator integrations.

Working with WSO2 Micro Integrator Runtime

  • 17 May, 2023

Support on Importing Custom Certificates to WSO2 Micro Integrator Runtime

This feature enables integration users of WSO2 Micro Integrator to import self-signed or private CA-signed certificates to their WSO2 Micro Integrator client-truststore.jks. This allows integrations to communicate with external services using these certificates.

Importing Custom Certificates to WSO2 Micro Integrator

  • 21 Apr, 2023

Cron Syntax Support for Scheduled Integrations

Take control of your integration scheduling with Choreo. You can now define scheduled integrations using cron syntax, giving you more flexibility and precision. The user interface has been improved to provide an intuitive experience, making it easier to configure and manage scheduled integration tasks.

  • 21 Apr, 2023

Streamline Cloud Native App Development with Choreo’s VS Code Extension

Maximize your local development potential with the Choreo VS Code extension. With project and component management capabilities, it streamlines your cloud native application development. Create components locally and push them to Choreo directly from within VS Code.

Choreo VSCode extension

  • 21 Apr, 2023

Improved Security for Application Environments: Generate Two Different Keys

Previously, users could only generate a single key for a given application, which meant the same credentials were used for both production and non-production environments.

To address this security issue, now two different keys can be generated for an application. The production key can be used to invoke the production URL, while the sandbox key can be used to invoke the sandbox and other URLs for lower environments.

  • 18 Apr, 2023

Optimize Your API Strategy with Choreo's CIO View

Get valuable insights into your API projects with Choreo’s CIO View. This feature provides high-level analytics, such as total traffic, API error summary, latency, and lowest-performing APIs, to help CIOs make informed decisions about resource allocation and prioritization. With a clear, easy-to-understand summary of API performance, Choreo’s CIO View is an invaluable tool for any organization relying on APIs to deliver value to its customers.

  • 12 Apr, 2023

Reduced Lifespan for Test Tokens

To improve security, the validity period of the test keys generated from the Test page has been reduced from 1 day to 10 minutes. This change minimizes the risk of intrusion if a token is compromised.

  • 07 Apr, 2023

Secure Endpoint Configuration with Mutual TLS for API Proxies

This feature enables users to easily connect and configure endpoints that are secured with mutual SSL for their API proxy.

  • 06 Apr, 2023

Logs to Trace Correlation

Choreo’s new feature allows users to easily correlate logs to traces, providing valuable insights for debugging issues in Choreo components. With this feature, users can view logs associated with a specific request and gain a better understanding of their system’s behavior. This addition to Choreo’s observability capabilities helps streamline the debugging process.

  • 03 Apr, 2023

Environment Variables-based Configuration for WSO2 Micro Integrator Loggers

Choreo now supports environment variables-based configuration for loggers related to WSO2 Micro Integrator-based integrations. This feature simplifies logging preferences management and provides greater control over logging behavior within the Choreo environment, enabling users to easily enable or disable loggers as needed.

Configure logging

  • 31 Mar, 2023

Improved Mono Repo Deployments with Component-Based Push

Choreo provides support for mono repos, which allows users to store multiple components in a single repository. Previously, when a user modified one component, all components with automatic deployment were deployed. With this new feature, only the corresponding component will be deployed when auto-deploy is enabled, ensuring more targeted and efficient deployment.

  • 31 Mar, 2023

Support Sandbox Endpoint on Private Dataplanes

This feature enables users to test production-ready changes in an environment identical to the production environment. Users can provide the sandbox URL endpoint, and the API requests will be directed to that specific endpoint for testing.

This allows for comprehensive testing of changes before deployment to the live production environment, reducing the likelihood of issues and better ensuring smoother deployments.

  • 31 Mar, 2023

Role-Based API Visibility Control

This update introduces a role-based API visibility control feature in the Developer Portal, allowing API developers to specify which users have access to a published API. By selecting the Restricted visibility option, users can define the specific roles that will have visibility to the API within the Developer portal. This offers greater control and flexibility over API access management

  • 28 Mar, 2023

Introducing Service Components

Choreo’s service component is a powerful building block for cloud native applications. It allows you to deploy and expose REST, GraphQL, or gRPC services quickly and easily. It is a fundamental building block for creating cloud native applications in Choreo.

With service components, you can quickly create APIs and microservices with simplicity and flexibility, streamlining the development process. Service components can be integrated with other Choreo components such as message processors, connectors, and data sources to create end-to-end solutions for complex software systems.

Develop a Service

  • 28 Mar, 2023

Custom Rate Limit Support

You can now specify custom rate limits for APIs at both the API level and operation level. This feature eliminates the need to stick to the predefined list in the UI and removes subscription and application-level throttling. As a result, the process of selecting usage plans and application quotas will also be removed.

Rate limiting

  • 28 Mar, 2023

Customize WSO2 Micro Integrator’s Preconfigured Settings

Choreo’s latest feature enhancement allows users to optimize the performance of their integration solutions by customizing preconfigured settings of the WSO2 Micro Integrator. Users can modify internal configurations, such as transport settings, to better align with their organization's unique requirements. By defining a deployment.toml file in the GitHub repository subpath of their WSO2 Micro Integrator project, users can receive greater control over the integration environment.

Customize WSO2 Micro Integrator preconfigured settings

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