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Install and configure Asgardeo SDK
2 min

Install authentication SDK

The Angular OAuth2 OIDC SDK is a production-ready authentication SDK that simplifies integrating Asgardeo with your Angular applications. It provides key features such as user authentication, retrieving user information, and automatically attaching tokens to HTTP requests for secure API communication.

Next, change your current directory to the project folder and run the following command to install the Angular OAuth2 OIDC SDK from the npm registry.

 npm install angular-oauth2-oidc

Add AuthConfig to your app

In the previous step, you added the Angular OAuth2 OIDC SDK as a dependency in your app. Now, we will configure the AuthConfig to set up authentication using Asgardeo. The OAuthService provided by the SDK will handle authentication throughout the application. You can configure the authentication service by providing the necessary OIDC settings like the client_id, issuer, and redirect URIs. These configurations allow your Angular app to communicate with Asgardeo for user authentication.

In the app.config.ts file, you can import the OAuthService from the SDK. This corresponds to Option 1 indicated in the Angular OIDC SDK, which utilizes Standalone Components introduced with Angular 14. You can set up the OAuth client using the standalone API of the SDK by calling provideOAuthClient(). Next, configure the AuthConfig with your Asgardeo application details.

Replace the content of app.config.ts file with the following code.


Make sure to replace the placeholders in the following code with the client-id and issuer values you copied in Step-3 during the application registration in the Asgardeo console.

  • <your-app-client-id>
  • <your-app-issuer-url>
import { ApplicationConfig, APP_INITIALIZER } from '@angular/core';
import { provideRouter } from '@angular/router';
import { provideHttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { provideOAuthClient, OAuthService, AuthConfig } from 'angular-oauth2-oidc';
import { routes } from './app.routes';

export const authConfig: AuthConfig = {
  issuer: '<your-app-issuer-url>',
  redirectUri: 'http://localhost:4200',
  clientId: '<your-app-client-id>',
  responseType: 'code',
  scope: 'openid profile email internal_login',
  strictDiscoveryDocumentValidation: false,

function initializeOAuth(oauthService: OAuthService): () => Promise<void> {
  return () => {
    return oauthService.loadDiscoveryDocumentAndTryLogin().then(() => { });

export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
  providers: [provideRouter(routes),
    provide: APP_INITIALIZER,
    useFactory: initializeOAuth,
    deps: [OAuthService],
    multi: true


Make sure to add strictDiscoveryDocumentValidation: false parameter. The configuration parameter strictDiscoveryDocumentValidation is set to true by default. This ensures that all endpoints provided in the Identity Provider discovery document share the same base URL as the issuer parameter. However, several Identity Providers, including Asgardeo, may use different domains or path parameters for various endpoints in the discovery document. While these providers may still comply with the OpenID Connect Provider Configuration specification, they will fail this library's discovery document validation. To resolve this, you need to set strictDiscoveryDocumentValidation to false

As shown above, we configure authentication at the root level of the Angular application to ensure that all components can interact with the authentication logic provided by Asgardeo. This is achieved by passing a configuration object, authConfig to the OAuthService with the following values, which are defined in the Asgardeo console. The authConfig object holds the configuration necessary for connecting the app to Asgardeo. It includes properties like redirectUri, which determine where users are redirected after signing in or out. The clientID identifies the application, and issuer specifies the Asgardeo token API endpoint specific to your organization, which is used to obtain the discovery document by the SDK. The scope array lists the OAuth2.0 permissions the app requires, such as openid and profile.

The following table provide a summery of the important configuration parameters.

Parameter Description Example
redirectUri The URL to redirect the user to after successfully signing in. This URL should be an absolute URL and only accessible to authenticated users. http://localhost:4200
clientId The client ID of the created OIDC application.
issuer The issuer name of the Identity Provider, used by the SDK to obtain the discovery document by invoking the OIDC discovery endpoint at <issuer>/.well-known/openid-configuration. For Asgardeo, this is the same as the token endpoint.<org_name>/oauth2/token
scope Specifies the required application scopes as a list. In this guide, we request the 'profile' scope for access to user details. [ "openid profile" ]


Since your Angular app is classified as a public client according to OAuth2 specifications (as it runs on user devices and cannot securely store credentials), no client secret is involved. Public clients cannot securely store credentials, so Identity Providers should not authenticate public clients before issuing access tokens. The Angular OAuth2 OIDC SDK addresses this by using the PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) extension to mitigate security risks associated with public clients.