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Configure unique attributes

User attributes can be configured to be unique. This setting determines the scope within which users must have a unique value for a given attribute.

Follow the steps below to configure the uniqueness of user attributes:

  1. On the Asgardeo Console, go to User Attributes & Stores > Attributes.
  2. Under Manage Attributes, click Attributes to see the list of attributes.
  3. Click the Edit icon corresponding to the attribute you want to update.
  4. In the General tab of the attribute, select one of the following scopes from the Uniqueness Validation dropdown.

    • None: No validation is applied. Users can have duplicate values for the selected attribute.
    • Within User Store: Users within the same user store cannot have duplicate values for the selected attribute. However, users in other user stores may have duplicates.
    • Across User Stores: Attribute values are unique across all user stores preventing duplicates throughout the organization.


  5. Click Update to save the changes.

You can now verify the functionality by attempting to add users with an existing attribute value or updating the user attribute value of an existing user.