Register an application
2 min

If you have not already done so, you will need to create an organization in Asgardeo and register your application as given below.

  • Sign up for a free Asgardeo account.
  • Sign in to the Asgardeo Console and navigate to Applications > New Applications
  • Select Traditional Web Application

Select Traditional Web Application

Next, complete the wizard popup by providing a suitable name, a suitable protocol, and the authorized redirect URLs. You also have the option to share the application across all organizations, which can be set according to your preference.


Name: asgardeo-dotnet

Protocol: OIDC

Authorized redirect URLs:



Register a new application


The authorized redirect URL determines where Asgardeo should send users after they successfully log in. Typically, this will be the web address where your app is hosted. For this guide, we'll use https://localhost:5001/signin-oidc and https://localhost:5001/signout-callback-oidc. You would need to allow CORS for these URLs accordingly (which will be prompted).

You will need the following information available in the Quick Start tab of your application or the Protocol tab to configure in the .NET application.

  • Client ID
  • Client Secret

Quick Start Page

Additionally, please take a note of the following endpoints that are available in the Info tab of your application.

  • Issuer
  • Authorize
  • JWKS
  • Logout

Info Page

In this step, we have registered our .NET app as an application in the Asgardeo console and generated the required metadata. Next, we will create a .NET Blazor Web Application.