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React Quickstart

Welcome to the React Quickstart guide! In this document, you will learn to build a React app, add user login and display user profile information using Asgardeo.

What You Will Learn

  • Create new React app using Vite
  • Install @asgardeo/auth-react package
  • Add user login and logout
  • Display user profile information


Before you start, ensure you have the following:
  • About 15 minutes
  • Asgardeo account
  • Install Node.js on your system.
  • Make sure you have a JavaScript package manager like npm, yarn, or pnpm.
  • A favorite text editor or IDE

Example Source Code

React Vite App Sample

Configure an Application in Asgardeo

  • Sign into Asgardeo console and navigate to Applications > New Application.
  • Select Single Page Application and complete the wizard popup by providing a suitable name and an authorized redirect URL.


name: asgardeo-react

Authorized redirect URL: http://localhost:5173

Note down the following values from the Protocol tab of the registered application. You will need them to configure Asgardeo React SDK.

  • client-id from the Protocol tab.
  • The name of your Asgardeo organization


The authorized redirect URL determines where Asgardeo should send users after they successfully log in. Typically, this will be the web address where your app is hosted. For this guide, we'll usehttp://localhost:5173, as the sample app will be accessible at this URL.

Create a React app using Vite

Create (a.k.a scaffold) your new React app using Vite.

npm create vite@latest asgardeo-react -- --template react

cd asgardeo-react

npm install

npm run dev
yarn create vite@latest asgardeo-react -- --template react

cd asgardeo-react

yarn install

yarn dev
pnpm create vite@latest asgardeo-react -- --template react

cd asgardeo-react

pnpm install

pnpm dev

Install @asgardeo/auth-react

Asgardeo React SDK provides all the components and hooks you need to integrate Asgardeo into your app. To get started, simply add the Asgardeo React SDK to the project. Make sure to stop the dev server started in the previous step.

npm install @asgardeo/auth-react
yarn add @asgardeo/auth-react
pnpm add @asgardeo/auth-react

Add <AuthProvider /> to your app

The <AuthProvider /> serves as a context provider for user login in the app. You can add the AuthProvider to your app by wrapping the root component.

Add the following changes to the main.jsx file.


Replace below placeholders with your registered organization name in Asgardeo and the generatedclient-id from the app you registered in Asgardeo.

  • <your-app-client-id>
import { StrictMode } from 'react'
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client'
import './index.css'
import App from './App.jsx'
import { AuthProvider } from '@asgardeo/auth-react'

      config={ {
        signInRedirectURL: 'http://localhost:5173',
        signOutRedirectURL: 'http://localhost:5173',
        clientID: '<your-app-client-id>',
        baseUrl: '<your-organization-name>',
        scope: ['openid', 'profile'],
      } }
      <App />

Asgardeo provides useAuthContext hook to conveniently access user authentication data and sign-in and sign-out methods.

Replace the existing content of the App.jsx file with following content.

import { useAuthContext } from '@asgardeo/auth-react'
import './App.css'

function App() {
  const { state, signIn, signOut } = useAuthContext();

  return (
      {state.isAuthenticated ? (
        <button onClick={() => signOut()}>Logout</button>
      ) : (
        <button onClick={() => signIn()}>Login</button>

export default App

Visit your app's homepage at http://localhost:5173.


You need to create a test user in Asgardeo by following this guide to tryout login and logout features.

Display logged in user details

Modify the code as below to see logged in user details.

import { useAuthContext } from '@asgardeo/auth-react'
import './App.css'

function App() {
  const { state, signIn, signOut } = useAuthContext();

  return (
      {state.isAuthenticated ? (
          <p>Welcome {state.username}</p>
          <button onClick={() => signOut()}>Logout</button>
      ) : (
        <button onClick={() => signIn()}>Login</button>

export default App

What's Next?