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Connect a remote user store


If you have connected a remote user store before 7th February 2023, you will have Read-Only access for the user store. If you need Read-Write access for your user store on Asgardeo,

  1. Delete the existing remote user store.
  2. Register a remote user store again with Read/Write access type.
  3. Set up the remote user store with the latest user store agent.

You can connect your on-premise user store to Asgardeo and onboard users and groups from it. You can connect a user store to Asgardeo with read-only or read/write privileges.

Administrators can manage access to business applications and manage users and groups based on the access type of the user store.

Follow the guide below to set up a remote user store in Asgardeo.


  • An on-premise user store. Currently, Asgardeo supports:

    • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
    • Active Directory (AD)
  • To run the user store agent, you need to have:

    • JAVA 8 or JAVA 11 installed locally
    • JAVA_HOME configured correctly
  • Recommended hardware requirements

    CPU cores 2
    Storage 500 MB of free space on disk.
    Operating System The connector can run on Windows or Linux.
    RAM 1 GB

  • Connectivity methods

    Protocol Web socket
    Port 443

Register a remote user store

To configure a remote user store for your organization:

  1. On the Asgardeo Console, go to User Attributes & Stores > User Stores.
  2. Click Connect userstore to open the following:

    Register remote user store to Asgardeo

  3. Enter the following details about the user store.

    Name A unique name to identify your user store.
    Description A description for the user store.
    Remote user store type Select your user store type
    Access Type Select the access type of the user store. It can be any one of the following:
    - Read-only
    - Read/Write
    Note : The access type of the user store cannot be modified after creation.

  4. Click Next and under Map Attributes, map Username and User ID attributes to that of your user store.


    These two attributes need to be mapped correctly for proper authentication.

    • Username - This attribute is used as the user identifier. Provide an attribute that identifies your user in your on-premise user store. For the best experience, use a username that satisfies validation rules in Username Validation section.
    • User ID - This attribute is used to uniquely identify a user entry. Provide an attribute that uniquely identifies a user entry in your user store.

    Additionally, for Non-JDBC user stores, ensure that multiple email addresses and mobile numbers attributes are properly configured by following the instructions in the Assign multiple email addresses and mobile numbers to a user section.

  5. Click Finish to complete the registration.

Set up the remote user store

After registering the user store, you'll be redirected to the Setup Guide of the user store agent.

To assemble and configure the user store agent bundle:

  1. Download the user store agent.

  2. Configure the properties and connection details of the local user store by following these steps:

    1. Unzip the downloaded user store agent.
    2. Go to the root directory of the user store agent and open the deployment.toml file.
    3. Update the configurations of the deployment.toml file according to your user store settings. A sample configuration is given below for reference.

      type = "ldap"
      base_dn = "dc=wso2,dc=org"
      connection_url = "ldap://localhost:10391"
      connection_name = "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org"
      connection_password = "adminpassword"
      user_id_search_filter = "(&(objectClass=inetOrgperson)(uid=?))"
      user_name_list_filter = "(objectClass=inetOrgperson)"
      user_id_attribute = "uid"
      user_name_attribute = "cn"
      user_name_search_filter = "(&(objectClass=inetOrgperson)(cn=?))"
      password_hash_method = "PLAIN_TEXT"
      group_search_base = "ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=org"
      group_name_attribute = "cn"
      group_name_search_filter = "(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(cn=?))"
      group_name_list_filter = "(objectClass=groupOfNames)"
      group_id_attribute = "gid"
      membership_attribute = "member"


      Refer remote user store properties for the complete list of user store configurations.

  3. Return to the Asgardeo Console and, click Generate Token to create an installation token. The installation token is essential to run the user store agent.


    • Copy the installation token and save it in a safe location. You won't be able to see it again!
    • This token has no expiry time, but in case you lose or forget it, you can regenerate an installation token.
  4. To start the user store agent, navigate to its root directory and run one of the following commands based on your operating system:

    wso2agent.bat -- run

    Enter the installation token generated in the previous step when prompted.

    (Optional) Run the user store agent as a background process
    1. Create a file named accessToken in the root directory of the agent.
    2. Add the installation token obtained from the previous step.
    3. Run the user store agent.

      sh start
      wso2agent.bat start

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