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Next.JS Quickstart

Welcome to the Next.js Quickstart guide! In this document, you will learn to build a Next.js app, add user login and display user profile information using Asgardeo.

What You Will Learn


Before you start, ensure you have the following:
  • About 15 minutes
  • Asgardeo account
  • Make sure you have a JavaScript package manager like npm, yarn, or pnpm.
  • A favorite text editor or IDE

Configure an Application in Asgardeo

  • Sign into Asgardeo console and navigate to Applications > New Application.
  • Select Traditional Web Application and complete the wizard popup by providing a suitable name and an authorized redirect URL.(Ensure that the protocol remains set to OpenID Connect (OIDC).)


name: nextjs-react

Authorized redirect URL: http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/asgardeo

Note down the following values from the Protocol and Info tabs of the registered application. You will need them to configure Asgardeo React SDK.

  • client-id from the Protocol tab.
  • client-secret from the Protocol tab.
  • issuer from the Info tab.


The authorized redirect URL determines where Asgardeo should send users after they successfully log in. Typically, this will be the web address where your app is hosted. For this guide, we'll use http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/asgardeo, as the authorized redirect URL .

Create a Next.js app

Create your new Next.js app.

npx create-next-app@latest --typescript asgardeo-nextjs

cd asgardeo-nextjs

npm install

npm run dev
yarn create next-app --typescript asgardeo-nextjs

cd asgardeo-nextjs

yarn install

yarn dev
pnpm create next-app --typescript asgardeo-nextjs

cd asgardeo-nextjs

pnpm install

pnpm run dev

Install Auth.js library

Auth.js is a lightweight JavaScript library designed for simplifying authentication workflows in web application. The Asgardeo provider for Auth.js offers all the components and hooks you need to integrate your app with Asgardeo.To get started, simply add Auth.js library to the project. Make sure to stop the dev server started in the previous step.

npm install next-auth@beta
yarn add next-auth@beta
pnpm add next-auth@beta

Next, generate AUTH_SECRET environment variable.

npx auth secret
yarn dlx auth secret
pnpm dlx auth secret

Add following entries to the .env or .env.local file, and make sure to replace the placeholders in the following code with the client-id, client-secret and issuer values you copied in Step-1 during the application registration in the Asgardeo console.


Create the auth.js configuration File

Create a file called /src/auth.ts'.

touch /src/auth.ts

Add Asgardeo as a provider in the /src/auth.ts' file.

import NextAuth from "next-auth"
import Asgardeo from "next-auth/providers/asgardeo"

export const { handlers, signIn, signOut, auth } = NextAuth({
  providers: [Asgardeo({
    issuer: process.env.AUTH_ASGARDEO_ISSUER

Create a Route Handler file in the src/app/api/auth/[...nextauth]/route.ts location.

mkdir -p src/app/api/auth/\[...nextauth\]

touch mkdir -p src/app/api/auth/\[...nextauth\]/route.ts


The directory src/app/api/auth/[...nextauth]/route.ts in a Next.js project is used to define a dynamic API route for handling authentication. The [...nextauth] is a catch-all route that processes multiple authentication-related requests such as sign-in, sign-out, and session management. The route.ts file specifies the logic for these operations, typically by exporting handlers for HTTP methods like GET and POST. This setup centralizes authentication logic, supports OAuth providers like Google or GitHub, and integrates seamlessly into Next.js applications for secure and scalable authentication workflows.

Update the src/app/api/auth/[...nextauth]/route.ts file with the following code.

import { handlers } from "@/auth" 
export const { GET, POST } = handlers

Next, create src/middleware.ts file with the following code.

touch mkdir -p src/middleware.ts
export { auth as middleware } from "@/auth"

Replace the existing content of the page.tsx file with following content to add login and logout features from Auth.JS.

import { auth, signIn, signOut } from "@/auth"

export default async function Home() {
  const session = await auth();

  return (
    <div className="justify-items-center">
        !session ? (
            action={async () => {
              "use server"
              await signIn("asgardeo")
            <button type="submit">Sign in</button>
        ) : (
            <p> You are now signed in!</p>

              action={async () => {
                "use server"
                await signOut()
              <button type="submit">Sign Out</button>

Visit your app's homepage at http://localhost:3000.


You need to create a test user in Asgardeo by following this guide to tryout login and logout features.

Display logged in user details

Modified the code as below to see logged in user details.

import NextAuth from "next-auth"
import Asgardeo from "next-auth/providers/asgardeo"

declare module "next-auth" {
  interface User {
    username?: string;

export const { handlers, signIn, signOut, auth } = NextAuth({
  providers: [Asgardeo({
    issuer: process.env.AUTH_ASGARDEO_ISSUER
  callbacks: {
    async jwt({ token, profile }) {
      if (profile) {
        token.username = profile.username;

      return token;
    async session({ session, token }) {            
      if (token) {
        session.user.username = token.username as string;

      return session;

Then, update page.tsx with the following highlighted line to display the username of logged in user.

  <p> You are now signed in!</p>
  <p> hello {session.user?.username}</p>
    action={async () => {
      "use server"
      await signOut()
    <button type="submit">Sign Out</button>

What's Next?